June 8, 2014 Minutes
The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held at Duckfoot’s. President, Brad Fisher brought the meeting to order. Treasurer, Tom Scheib gave the Treasurer’s Report. Approximately 20 members present.
The next meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. on August 13th at Bayview.
- The Grand Lake Rec Club’s Bicycle Poker was a huge success!
- Tom and Tom headed this up again this year and did a wonderful job as usual!
- We would like to thank all the volunteers that came out and helped, we couldn’t have done it without you.
- There were a total of 315 entries, up 95 from last year!
- There was discussion on the Oil Derrick:
- 280 ton of rock has been put out there; thank you to Jeff Snellenberger and Scott Niekamp for donating your time, driving the trucks to do this!
- we’re thinking about making the oil derrick replica two pieces, so it can be taken down in the wintertime to avoid any damage the winter might bring.
- August 16th @ 1:00 at Northmoor is our golf outing, hope you can make it.
- There was discussion on a donation to the Celina Fire Department, nothing was final.
- We received a letter from Camp Bearable, a camp that helps kids dealing with issues to cope. We decided to donate $100.00 again this year.
- Stump removal is going to happen again, but the details are still being worked out.
- Tom Gottschall reported that we are going to have the gun raffle this year again (it was a huge success last year). He will have tickets at the next meeting, details to come.
- Peggy Gottschall brought up the Celina Music in the Park events that happens in Celina during the summer. She suggested that it would be a good idea to donate and get a flier out next year to get our name out, great idea! We will look into this.
- The Hog Roast is the 21st of June at Bass Landing
- Club drawing: Linda Rohde’s name was pulled; she is registered, but not present.
- 50/50 drawing for $16.00 was won by LJ (Amy) Ruane.
2014 Dues are now due ($20.00 a family for the year)
(Thank You if you have paid your dues)
Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary