September 2013 Minutes

Sep 08, 2013

September 8th, 2013 minutes

The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held Sunday, September 8th at Shockers.  President, Brad Fisher, brought the meeting to order.  Treasurer, Tom Scheib, gave the Treasurer’s Report.  President, Brad Fisher, read the minutes from the meeting held August 11th.  There was one update to the minutes; the LIA Flag Football Tournament on September 14th has been cancelled.  Approximately 20 members were present.

The next meeting will be held Sunday at 2:00 p.m. on October 13th at South Shore Sportsman’s Club.    Ditch cleanup at noon **you get a couple free drinks for helping!!**

  • Club Drawing for $10.00 was won by Denny Liette (who donated his winnings back to the Club, thanks Denny!)
  • next club drawing will be $10.00!
  • 50/50 drawing for $40.00 was won by Scott Neikamp (who donated his winnings back to the Club, thanks Scott!)
  • Our thoughts and prayers go out to club member Jack Craft, who recently passed away from pancreatic cancer.
  • The Corn Roast on August 24th was a good time. There were approximately 50 people present. Thanks for all who came out!
  • In an effort to get politicians to reinforce the Clean Water Act, postcards addressed to President Obama were distributed. All you have to do is put a stamp on the card, sign it, and mail it.  Hopefully we can flood the Whitehouse with these to send a message.
  • The lake level has been reported as being 7.5 – 9 inches down.
  • The Lake Quality Treatment Train on 219 is working. The water looks like it did 50-60 years ago, lily pads and all.
  • Look for the upcoming press release in The Evening Leader for the Club’s donation of 17 safety lights, as the picture was recently taken. Be sure to let us know if you see any that are not working, and we will let Brian Miller know.  Also, keep thinking of what might be our newest safety goal we can work together to achieve.
  • Stumps and logs people have pulled out of the lake will be cleaned up and removed by Brian Miller with the help of an excavator beginning the 1st week in October.
  • Dave Meyer gave an update on the LIA meeting:
    • the barstool open was a great success, it brought it more than $11,000
    • this Wednesday, the 11th from 11:00 – 2:00 is a fishing tournament at the Eastbank Shelter House for the mentally & physically challenged children of Auglaize and surrounding counties. Cookies and help are needed
  • Reminder: September 14th is The Grand Lake Rec Club’s golf Outing. Please call Northmoor or Brad Fisher to sign up.
  • Reminder: October 13th is our next meeting, and includes the Grand Lake Rec Club Gun Raffle. Joe Frilling and Brad Fisher will be cooking us up a delicious meal.  Brian Miller and Tom Grabow are tentatively scheduled to attend and speak.  If you have questions for them, please email me and we will get them to answer the questions at the meeting.  We would really like to push for a big turnout at this event.  Please come out, even if just for a little bit, and bring a friend or two. 
    • raffle tickets need turned in by this day, preferably turned in a week before the drawing to avoid any mishaps in tickets not being turned in. The drawing will be held at 3:00 PM at the South Shore Sportsman’s Club.  Contact Brad Fisher, Tom Gottschall or simply reply to this email if you need or would like to turn in tickets.  Remember, all proceeds go to the lake.
  • We are looking for ideas for fundraisers and events for The Grand Lake Rec Club. Please let an officer know your idea, or respond to this email
    • Denny Liette suggested a football tailgate party on a Saturday and he would donate a hog for the meal. Details are still being discussed, but this is a great idea!

2013 Dues are due and are currently half-priced!

   (Thank You if you have paid your dues)

Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary

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