The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held October 9th at It’s It. Approximately 22 members present. President, Brad Fisher brought the meeting to order. Treasurer, Kim Swick gave the Treasurer’s Report. Current balance: General Fund $13,663.26, Mobley Fund $828.27.
- Saturday, July 1st will be the only Beach Jam next year that GLRC will host
- Bicycle Poker Run is June 10th
- Fall Beach Cleanup coming soon
- 4H Beach Cleanup was ok’d by the Mercer County Commissioners
- Moose is interested in helping with 4H Beach
- Buoys: lighted buoys will be pulled when the State pulls theirs, they will get us dates to help out.
- Shirts: working to have things ready by Christmas for an order
- Logg Dogg is available for member for projects
- Midwest Grant: Ryan Snyder is working on it
- Need to order magnets with adjusted dates and places
- Trevor Mobley Foundation Fundraiser: they had a great event again this year, ~$13K was raised. It will be the 2nd Saturday of September going forward, next year September 9th.
- Brad to get updated quote on buoys.
- LIA: Little Chickasaw sign needs attention.
- Spring Cleanup to focus on Little Chick Creek and Prairie Creek
Next meeting is 2PM, November 13th at Shingle Shack
- Club drawing was for $70. Tami Kuether’s name was pulled: paid, not present. Next Club drawing is for $80.
2022/2023 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year)
(Thank You if you have paid your dues)
Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary.