March 13, 2016 Minutes
The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held at It’s It. President, Brad Fisher, brought the meeting to order. Approximately 15 members present.
The next meeting will be Sunday, April 10th, 2:00 at The Moose in Celina
- Dave Faler, the new Park Manager came to give an update and answer questions.
- dock invoices were sent last week. There used to be two mylar stickers sent, now there will be none. You can also pay online now.
- The Grandlake Marathon is September 24th, this is now a Boston Marathon Qualifier.
- There were a lot investments and improvements to West Bank.
- Crappie USA Tournament is April 15th and 16th
- Beginning in April, they are putting all three full functioning dredges in the lake.
- There is a new pier at Coldwater Creek. We are working on the light project, using 18 of our new lights that Dave, Tom and Tom have created. Bob Swick made a motion to donate $200 to complete the project, Lincoln Pemberton seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.
- The GLRC boat will be going in the water in the next couple weeks. Send an email, or contact an officer if you see somewhere on the lake that needs attention.
- The beautiful Oil Derrick Replica we donated will be going back up very soon.
- Trees and other shrubbery have overgrown and begun to cover the channel name signs. We are going to take the GLRC boat out and clean this up. If there are any signs that need replaced, Bob and Kim Swick have generously volunteered to make new reflective signs.
- The date of the Grand Lake Recreation Club Golf Outing has been decided, it will be August 6th at Northmoor.
- Garry Steinbrunner from The Greenspace Committee came to talk about the Bike Trial. There is a Gillian Sanctuary that contains 82 acres of environmental information, including eagles nests, labels trees and much more!
- September 25th there is a day hike
- the Bike Trail will be getting more benches and mile markers
- there are also four informative kiosks along the way
- At the April meeting, the bar owners on the Bicycle Poker Run route will attend to discuss ideas on contests, additional events, etc.
- The GLRC event’s magnet was mailed out, please put this somewhere handy so you can attend all our events. I am also attaching the latest Events Schedule for your convenience.
- Club Drawing was for $30.00, Herb Richey’s name was drawn; paid, not present. Next drawing it for $40.00!
2016 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year)
(Thank You if you have paid your dues)
Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary