June 2019 Minutes

Jul 10, 2019

June 09, 2019 Minutes

The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held at the Moose.  President, Brad Fisher, brought the meeting to order and Jason Plattner read the May minutes.  Treasurer, Tom Scheib, read the Treasurer’s report; current balance of ~$3,314.72. Approximately 22 members present.

The next meeting will be Sunday, July 21, 2:00 pm at Behm’s.

  • Dave Faler gave lake level at +10 and rain level so far this year is at 30 in.
  • 5 people showed for ditch clean up
  • Corn Roast is August 24, 2019
  • Went over Poker Run
    • 365 sign-ups
    • Raffle- $622.00
    • 50/50- $888
    • T-shirts sales- $515.00
    • Many compliments given in regards to the service this year in all areas. Starting from registration to food and drink orders.
    • The food truck being there was a big success/a lot of compliments (they did say they would be willing to return next year)
    • Bayview wants to meet up when they get all their numbers together as well as discuss date and time for next year so they can start early planning. Tentative date June 13,2020.
    • Updates next year: need larger sizes of shirts, free standing signs saying registration inside, signs to direct bikers, and first aid kits. Also a bike shop to come and set-up at the poker run.
    • If there are any other suggestions please e-mail Renee and she will compile a list to review at a future meeting.
  • Oil Derrick is up for the season; anyone who wants to volunteer in the Fall to assist in taking this down please get with us.
  • Log Dog is up and running. Thank you Jim Wieman for working on it. Remember this is available to everyone to use at anytime. Make sure any wood that is brought in is cleaned up and not left for others to deal with.
  • Club drawing was for $20.00. Brice Echler name drawn (not paid/not present)


2019 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year)

  (Thank You if you have paid your dues)

Respectfully submitted by Renee Welch, Secretary. 

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