The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held at It’s It. President, Brad Fisher, brought the meeting to order. Treasurer, Tom Scheib, read the Treasurer’s report; current balance of $5,512.51. Approximately 14 members present.
The next meeting will be Sunday, August 12th, 2:00 at Sunnyside
- 2018 GLRC Bicycle Poker Run, another success! Total of 473 riders, 2 more than last year.
- after all expenses, the event brought in a total of $2,517.55
- $303 donation from Bayview
- raffle and shirt sales over $1,400
- 9 new members paid
- Door prizes included: bicycle donated by members funding, Red’s tickets, Ohio State garb, TV mount, boat bag, wood tray, trash can, cooler w/ GLRC t-shirt, and two 1 year GLRC memberships.
- There has much talk about our signs for the Bicycle Poker Run. Dave Meyer suggested purchasing some real estate signs and working on them this fall/winter to get ready for next year. The cost is ~5 signs for $75. Wood and decals will need purchased to complete the signs and members will create them. Luke Ruane made a motion for $500 towards BPR signs, Tom Gottschall 2nd the motion, it unanimously passed. These will be a great investment to our ever growing fundraiser and be used for years to come.
- Additionally, we discussed how we may have outgrown Bayview for the BPR. We are looking into other options for next year, perhaps Zuma Park and bring food/beverage trucks in. Also, extending the hours and raising the donation from $5 to $10. Stay posted.
- after all expenses, the event brought in a total of $2,517.55
- Please keep thinking of a design for new GLRC shirts, we’ll keep same logo, but message about what we do on the back.
- Suggestions:
- Grand Lake Recreation Club
- Suggestions:
keeping the lake safe & clean
having fun, making a difference
- Grand Lake Recreation Club
Having fun, making the lake safe
- We received a thank you from the Montezuma Fire Department for the safety equipment we purchased.
- Jason Plattner made a motion to donate to Camp Bearable, a place that helps kids in need, for $100. Mark Oyer 2nd the motion, it passed unanimously.
- Dave Faler attended and gave the ODNR report. The lake is 2.5” above the notch.
- The new pool at the State Park is complete and the opening ceremony went great. It is officially open and being very well received.
- There is currently no AED in the new pool house. Brad made a motion to purchase one, Cindy Pike 2nd the motion, it was unanimously passed.
- Campgrounds have been doing great! They have been full every weekend since Memorial Day and 30-50% full during the week.
- ODOT was having a little difficulty making the Tributary signs, making them look acceptable. However, they should be up soon.
- The new pool at the State Park is complete and the opening ceremony went great. It is officially open and being very well received.
- Barstool open is August 11th. Volunteers are always needed at the local establishments to help with this. Please email me (just hit reply) and I will forward your generous volunteerism to the right people.
- Corn/Chicken Roast is on for 2018! Mark your calendars, it will be August 25th at Bass Landing. Cooking starts at noon and eat time is 5PM.
- Please bring a covered dish and your favorite beverage
- we are working on entertainment and games
- let’s make it fun again this year, send me your ideas or just bring anything fun!
- Club drawing was for $10.00, Joe Frilling’s name was pulled, paid, not present. Next drawing $20.00.
2018 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year)
(Thank You if you have paid your dues)
Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary