August 10, 2014 Minutes
The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held at Sunnyside. President, Brad Fisher brought the meeting to order. Treasurer, Tom Scheib gave the Treasurer’s Report. Approximately 15 members present.
The next meeting will be Sunday, September 14th at 2:00 at Shingleshack
- Brad read the State Lake Report
- the lake level was +3.5
- You can find the entire report on our website:
- August 16th is the Grand Lake Rec Club golf outing at Northmoor
- The Celina and Montezuma Fire Department at in need of safety rescue equipment.
- Tom Gottschall moved to donate $1500, the motion unanimously passed
- the LIA is going to match our donation
- There are 7 lights broken around the lake (that we previously donated)
- Tom Gottschall made a motion to delegate $1065.00 towards repair
- Rick Nurrenbrock seconded
- motion unanimously passed
- The annual fishing derby for the mentally and physically handicapped kids of the area is happening again this year, September 10th at 10:00 am
- volunteers are needed please
- Club drawing: Pemberton Lincoln’s name was drawn; he was registered, but not present. The next drawing will be for $70.00!
2015 Dues are now due ($20.00 a family for the year)
If you pay your 2015 dues now, you get the rest of 2014 free (if you had not yet paid)
(Thank You if you have paid your dues)
Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary