March 2023 Minutes

Mar 27, 2023

The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held March, 12th at Buoy’s Bar and Grill. Approximately 22 members present. President, Brad Fisher brought the meeting to order and Treasurer, Kim Swick read the Treasurer’s report: current balance GLRC: $15,478.41 Trevor Mobley Foundation: $10,829.28

  • Shirts:
  • Dates:
    • 4/22 Lake CleanUp day meet at Rustic at 7:30 for breakfast, we’ll head out about 8AM
    • 6/10 Bicycle Poker Run
    • 7/1 4th of July celebration at Boater’s Beach
  • LIA Meeting was held at Brad’s shop in February. We discussed mutual events that we can partner on and decisions will be made in the next few months. A couple events discussed include:
    • Oil Derrick restoration
    • extending the bike path where it ends on the East side in Montezuma
    • Fixing/recreating the ADA dock that we built 6/7 years ago
    • Safety Island dock
    • Tom Rampe memorial
    • Lighthouses (Northwood, Behms)
  • Log Dog:
    • magnetic fishing kit, ropes, graveling hook, stern light, windshield, front light , sand anchors, tow bar and general maintenance are all needed
    • Mobley’s donated the $829 remaining from their fund last year to be used on the boat.
    • Brad made a motion to spend up to $1,700 on the needs/maintained listed above. Amy 2nd the motion, motion passed unanimously
    • Donations from The Outdoorsman: Warranty on motor which is still good until 2025 and service/storage/winterization. The Outdoorsman has been great to the GLRC and charges us the bare minimum and/or donates the Log Dog’s needs.
  • Lights on West Bank are difficult to see with the white lights behind them. Brad to check with State to see if they can be raised up
  • Lighted Buoy Project: 10 have been purchased, 10 more illuminated buoys have been approved by the State
    • Illuminated ball buoys were discussed to possibly purchase 10 of those as well. these would be used to help mark the dredge lines. A total of 12 dredge lines were hit last year by boaters. Every time this happens, the dredge team loses 1 day of productivity, because they have to fix the dredge line that was hit. Additionally, this would help protect boaters and their boats.
  • Lighted signs to be complete this spring w/LIA
  • Eric Stachler/Trevor Mobley Foundation:
    • on the pier that has a cross for Trevor, we will be putting a solar light on it to shine on the cross
    • $10K of money raised from last year’s fundraiser will go to GLRC with the #1 priority of lighting up every channel
    • after all the current light projects are completed, the remainder of the funds raised this year will go to our 3 Fire Departments
    • This fundraiser will go on every year to generate money for rescue and safety, details to come.
  • The South Shore Sportsman’s Club (SSS) is looking for people to donate $ to purchase chairs for their new patio. SSS has long connections to the Grand Lake Recreation Club. This is where meetings started well over 50 years ago, when the Club was the Snowdreamers. Before we decided to change the meetings to ‘moving meetings’ to support the local businesses on the lake, every meeting was held at the SSS, the 2nd Sunday of the month. Ours ties go way back and still continue. Chairs are $300/ea and they will have a plaque that says, ‘donated by the Grand Lake Recreation Club’ on them. Amy Ruane made the motion to donate $1,200 for four chairs. Della St. Johns and Matt Tebbe 2nd the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
  • As always, we look forward to your ideas/project for the GLRC. We are looking at a Safety Day for kids/boaters, possibly at the Moose, the morning of the Blessing of the Boats. Will possibly have a booth and pass out GLRC swag. Please keep your ideas coming!
Next meeting is 2PM, April 9th at Boardwalk
  • Club drawing was for $60. Tim and Maria McDermitt’s name was pulled: not paid, not present. Next Club drawing is for $80. 
   2023 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year) 

  (Thank You if you have paid your dues)

Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary.  

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