March 2022 Minutes

Mar 27, 2022

The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held March 13th at Buoy’s Bar & Grill. Approximately 33 members present. President, Brad Fisher brought the meeting to order. Vice President, Keith Seitz read the February minutes. Brad Fisher also read the Treasurer’s Report. All purchases for projects (light projects, buoys, boat renovation, Fire Department donations, etc) are paid to date, current balance $8,899.

  • Park Manager, Dave Faler, gave an update:
    • Brian Miller retires at the end of March after 32 years of service to the State Park and other affiliates. There is a retirement party March 31st at the blue building at the Park Office, if you would like to stop and wish Brian congratulations.
    • Rain totals: 3.03″ in February, 1.148″ so far in March (as of 3/13/22)
    • Campsites: Memorial Day and July 4th weekend are full, Labor Day is almost full
  • New LIA Lake maps are out, there are new locations added, including Prairie Creek
  • We have been in the process of updating/installing new channel signs with the LIA, still have 3 or 4 more to put up
  • June 12th is the Grand Lake Recreation Club’s Bicycle Poker Run at Bayview Pub
  • April 23rd is Lake Cleanup, meet at Rustic Haven @ 8AM
  • Still working on getting a redesign on GLRC shirts, plan is to have something before the Bicycle Poker Run. Lisa Bertke and Meredith Speckman have stepped up to help work with the supplier and do the legwork for us (thank you!!)
  • Shingle Shack donated $2,500 to the GLRC from their annual bowling fundraiser, a big thank you to them too!
  • Elections were held and here are the results:
    • President: Brad Fisher
    • Vice President: Keith Seitz
    • Treasurer: Kim Swick
    • Secretary: Amy Ruane
    • 3 year Officer: Mark (JR) Oyer (until 2025)  
    • 2 year Officer: LJ Bertke (until 2024)
    • 1 year Officer: Paul Dircksen (until 2023)
  • Memberships: 140 active families and 16 businesses
  • There has been a lot of discussion on social media and other places about Beach Jams recently, and it will only continue as the weather gets nicer. The GLRC is organizing the 3 Beach Jams this year and will only do 1 or 2 going forward. Please read our response to people inquiring and feel free to explain the same to someone who may ask you:
    • We are so happy that so many have been enjoying Boater’s Beach again! The Grand Lake Recreation Club cleans up the beach, and other beaches and areas around the lake, several times a year. That is what we do, along with promoting safety and raising money to purchase safety equipment. The past few years, we have paid extra attention to cleaning up the beach again and getting more people out enjoying the lake we love. Club members remember when it was a fun, relaxing place to spend with the family and friends. GLRC wanted to bring that back! The Grand Lake Rec Club collaborated with a few local bands who had ideas to promote the beach as well, so we have helped accommodate those bands to bring people out. These were/are independent events. The GLRC is not in-charge or managing bands at the beach. It is your public beach, so anyone is welcome to come bring their equipment out to and do the same.
      Please keep in mind that following all laws (of course) keeps the lake safe. We also do our best to respect and work with the local restaurants/bar owners. We try to talk with them and let them know the dates we know people are playing so that they don’t schedule and pay for a band during the few times a year that we help get a band out to play. We think it helps bring new and existing boaters out for a good time where they can then discover all of the hidden-gem establishments and atmosphere that our lake has to offer. Hopefully they will then want to visit and patronize them on a more regular basis. From experience, we encourage early afternoon events, before the local establishments would want to book something. You can stop by the restaurants after some time at the beach to get some food and enjoy their live entertainment too!
      We receive many inquiries from musicians wanting to perform on the beach. The answer is, go for it, responsibly! Lake safety is our club’s biggest focus, so we make sure that we have people helping to make everything go smoothly and safely.  🙂

Next Quarterly meeting is 2PM, April, 10th at Boardwalk
  • Club drawing was for $190. Gary Cox’s number was pulled, paid and present. Next drawing is for $10
   2022 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year) 

  (Thank You if you have paid your dues)

Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary.  

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