March 2021 Minutes

Apr 01, 2021

The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held 3-14-2021 at Beachpoint. Approximately 35 present. President, Brad Fisher brought the meeting to order and gave the Secretary’s report. $5,803 was the previous balance, current is $6,669. Of that, ~$2600 taken in was from the membership drive. Thank you Steve and Renee Welch for heading that up again for us this year. 

The sonar unit we ordered should arrive in the next few weeks. There was a delay at the manufacturer, due to Covid. This will be used for stump detection and removal, also in the unfortunate even of a recovery. 

Log dog is currently in the water. We have purchased and extra prop for the boat, for all the hard work it does, it will be nice to have on hand. The boat takes recreational fuel, please let us know if it is running low on fuel and we will take care of it. Outdoorsman continues to doing the service on the log dog, in order for us to maintain the warranty. We pay for the parts, all the labor is donated by the kind people of the Outdoorsman. Please be sure to thank Dan and Brenda if you see them! 
All members are welcome to take the boat for their projects, simply contact Brad or Keith below:
-Brad: 419-733-2731
-Keith: 419-733-7328

Election of Officers and Trustees of the Grand Lake Recreation Club were also held. Here are the results:
– President: Brad Fisher
– Vice President: Keith Seitz (new)
– Secretary: Open (Brad to handle in the intermediary)
– Secretary: Amy Ruane
– 3 Year Officer: Mark (JR) Oyer
– 2 Year Officer: Bob Swick
– 1 Year Officer: Paul Dircksen (new)

Buoys will be out in the first part of April (Per Faler). There is a new project by residents of Southmoor Shores to have additional buoys put out in that area. If you or anyone you know wants to adopt a buoy, let us know. We can make this into a fundraiser. 

Brief summary of project/events discussed:
-Beach cleanups asap, last one was December
-Cleanup/restore the beach by Harbor Point, residents there are interested and willing to help
-We will be working with the LIA on signs and solar lights. Let us know if you see any out and/or in need of repair
-Aquaview/Prairie Creek channel cleanup needed
-New deck needed on the log dog
-Bicycle Poker Run scheduled for June 12th. Weekly meetings with Bayview have begun. Let us know your ideas to keep BPR a success
-St. Marys annual Tailgate for Cancer will now have a boat poker run (June 5th)
-Beach Jams: will will have three this year, details to come
-Oil Derrick needs new rock and concrete. There is an interesting book out on the history of the Oil Derrick. I believe you can purchase at the Visitor’s Bureau, or check out details here:
 Next meeting is 2PM, April 11th at Shockers

Club drawing was for $80. Rick and Shawn Clark’s name pulled, not paid, not present. Next drawing is for $90! 

 2021 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year) 

  (Thank You if you have paid your dues)

Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary.  

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