March 2020 Minutes

Mar 24, 2020

March 8, 2020 Minutes

The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held at Beachpoint.  Vice President, Jason Plattner, brought the meeting to order and read the February minutes.  Jason also read the Treasurer’s report; current balance of $5,274.05.  Approximately 32 members present.
The next meeting will be Sunday, April 19, 2:00 at Shocker’s, ditch cleanup starting at noon at Sportsman’s Club

  • Dave Faler, Park Manager, gave updates:
    • Lake level is -1.98 inches below the notch. Goal is to get it even April 1st
    • There was .75 inches of rain this past month, 6.8 inches for the year
    • They are cutting oak trees down in the State Park, due to a tree disease. ~22 have been cut down so far. The bright side of this is that those trees were in a clearing, where the power lines come in
    • The first week of April dreading will resume
    • The park cabins are getting gutted and remodeled
    • Treatment train is scheduled to run as usual. In addition, they are trying to get rid of the carp with the treatment train
  • Elections were held, here are the results and current Officers:
    • President, Brad Fisher
    • Vice President, Jason (Fatty) Plattner
    • Treasurer, Amanda Plattner
    • Secretary, Amy Ruane
    • 3 year Trustee, Mark (JR) Oyer
    • 2 year Trustee, Dave Meyer
    • 1 year Trustee, Paul Dircksen
      • A special thanks to our non-official positions, they are very instrumental to the club:
        • Renee Welch: Membership Coordinator
        • Ryan Beatty: Public Relations
  • LIA Icebreaker was held at Romers on February 22nd
    • Jeff Vossler came to speak on behalf of the LIA on the event.  It was a great success, with over 540 in attendance and ~$18K raised. Next Icebreaker will be Feb 20th 2021
    • 30+ GLRC members attended and helped with the event. The tip boards we took around, raised $2K alone
    • The LIA greatly appreciates our help and what we do to make the lake better. We work very well with the LIA, at their big meetings in Columbus they represent the GLRC too. We appreciate their support on our projects, especially the generous donation of the motor for the Log Dogg!
    • Brad and Fatty are planning a meeting with Jeff and the LIA to see how we can continue to make the lake better, and work together
  • Lake Cleanup is April 18th. Meet at Rustic for breakfast, get on the water around 8AM
  • ODNR & LIA meetings:
    • West Beach is being worked on, it will open this spring. Docks to be put in, in the future
    • There will be buoys for each channel and signs with lights. Rick N informed us that 20 years ago, the LIA put up 14 official signs for all the channels. The shrubbery has since grown over many of them. They just need cleaned up and lights installed on them. Sounds like a good task for Lake Cleanup day
    • Be sure to put the LIA app on your phone. It is powered by Google Earth and gives accurate directions through the channels. It also updates the events on the lake, etc
    • Algae levels are the lowest they have been in 8 years, you can track algae levels on LIA’s website
  • The Oil Derrick location and light need some work. Plans are in the works for rock and shoring improvements
  • The privately-owned lighthouse on the North side of the lake needs fixed as well. We are going to team up with the LIA on this project. Our trusty GLRC manpower will help immensely here
  • AED’s are needed for the Park Officers
  • There is a new building at the Nature Center, that is in need of a handicapped ramp. They will supply the material, GLRC will supply the manpower
  • There is a need for a sonar unit for the dredge workers to mark stumps for removal. Not only will this be a great tool for keeping the water/our boats safe from the stumps – but it is also a lifesaving tool!  Brad Fisher made a motion for the GLRC to fund up to $1500 for the sonar, Chris Cochran 2nd the motion, it passed unanimously
  • Paint the town ads start in April
  • Scott brought up the need to have positive publicity on the lake (it seems like all the media reports on is the negative).  He would like to see T102 out at the lake, to show all the fun, beneficial things we have going on out here. Beatty said that he had a T102 contact and he would try to get them out here for the BPR. Additionally, Jeff Vossler said the LIA has T102 coming out this year, Memorial weekend to the end of June, for the “Big Day on the Lake” – more details to come
  • The boat insurance premium went up 25% this year. As a donation to us, Garret Gray of Luegers Insurance, waived that $150 increase, to keep it $500 annually – thanks Garret!
  • Thanks to the LIA, we have a brand-new motor for the Log Dogg. It has a 5 year warranty from the Outdoorsman. Additionally, the Outdoorsman allows us to use their trailer, at no cost, to transport our boat. Thanks to both LIA and Outdoorsman for the continued support!  The Log Dogg will be going in very soon. We are waiting on the water to warm up, to be able to break the motor in. Remember, this is your boat too, feel free to use at any time. Be sure to come to the April meeting, for the boat’s grand rebirth and an overview of boat instructions
  • The Bicycle Poker Run is June 13th this year. We were down ~100 people last year, 375 in attendance. We need to focus harder on advertising this year. Last year did go smoothly, however, with early communication to Bayview. All those wonderful volunteers that helped last year, we need you again this year (shirts, booths, signups, etc). The local establishments are very excited for our BPR too. They each have a special event planned (costume contests, tire air stops and more). Send your ideas to our email:
  • Beach Jams: first are foremost, Beach Jams are not owned by GLRC, we just volunteer our boat. All dates and bands have been set – there are no rain-outs. Band performance times have been set to work with our local establishments. They are early enough in the day, that if a bar has booked a band that night, people can attend both. Keep in mind that you are not allowed to have alcohol on the lake, it is located in a state park, where alcohol is prohibited. Remember, we are for safe recreation!  Additionally, the driver of the Log Dogg, for the band, absolutely cannot be intoxicated. The first time that there is an incident at Beach Jams (fight, wreck, anything questionable), it will be shut down. Dates are as follows:
    • July 5th: Axe & Rosenbeck
    • July 18th: Jonah King
    • August 1st: Kaitlyn Schmit
    • August 15th: Saw Creek
    • September 5th: Rosenbeck
  • Next club drawing is for $120.00

2020 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year)
  (Thank You if you have paid your dues)
Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary 

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