March 2019 Minutes

Apr 18, 2019

March 10, 2019 Minutes

The  meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held at Sportsman’s Club.  Vice President, Jason Plattner, brought the meeting to order and read the minutes. President, Brad Fisher read the Treasurer’s report, balance is ~$3,700.  27 members present.

The next meeting will be Sunday, April 7th, 2:00 at Duckfoot (ditch cleanup at noon, Sportsman’s Club)

  • Brad gave highlights from Dave Faler:
    • lake level is +2.96 and fluctuating, the gates have been closed since March 1st.
    • Fishing is phenomenal; crappie and catfish are biting and a 10 lb walleye was caught.
  • Earth Day, which coincides with the State Park’s annual Lake Clean Up Day is April 20th. We understand that this is Easter weekend, but hope you can still make it out to help for an hour or five. We will meet at Rustic for breakfast as usual @ 7-7:30AM, then will break into teams to start the cleanup.
  • August 17th will be the new date for the Corn Roast. The magnet shows August 31st, but this is Labor Day weekend and Bass Landing has already been reserved. Please update your magnets.
  • Ryan Beatty organized our Paint the Town ad, which begins next month. We purchased a 6 month ad for $300.
  • Treasurer, Dave Meyer handled the elections, please see below from Dave:
    • Nominations for the offices of the GLRC are closed as of March 1st. I have 4 nominations, 1 for each office. Amy is giving up the Secretary position! I have contacted each person that was nominated and each one declined their nomination except for Renee Welch, she will take over the Secretary position. No election by ballot is needed, we are on the way for another good year. I might add that all nominations said that they would not run for office as long as the Officers in place wanted to do their respective job’s. When they get tired of their positions and want to move on, that they would be proud to step up and help run the organization.
    • 2019 Officer positions are as follows:
    • President: Brad Fisher
    • Vice President: Jason Plattner
    • Treasurer: Tom Scheib
    • Secretary: Renee Welch
    • 3 year Trustee: Dave Meyer
    • 2 year Trustee: Mark (JR) Oyer
    • 1 year Trustee: Bob Swick
  • June 8th is the date for next year’s Bicycle Poker Run.  This year we will be having:
    • 50/50 drawing
    • Porta-potties
    • Inside/Outside bars will be open at Bayview, including beer/water troughs
    • There will be premade food (breakfast/lunch)
    • Door prizes
    • Raffle (new bike, cash, and possibly more)
    • Entry fee is $10 (up from the previous $5)
    • It is essential that we have at least 20 people signed up to work the event for it to be a successful, organized, and respected event. Please call/text/email if you can help. We need to have more Club members signed up, please do your part!
    • Door prizes and raffle items are needed, please let us know if you can contribute. Dave Meyer has been actively contacting the local establishments for donations.
    • This year we will send out a formal letter to the bars beforehand with a reminder of the event and suggestions for them.
    • GLRC Officers met with Lisa Mantia (Club member and manager at Bayview) to discuss the items outlined above. Lisa ensured us that these needs will be met and they will work with us in any way needed. Additionally, we will go to a staff meeting or two before the BPR to make sure things are progressing and we are all prepared.
    • Dave Meyer is looking to get GLRC Bicycle Poker Run 3×5 foot banners made, on these we will list the donors and sponsors (get your Company’s contribution in today!)
  • The GLRC boat, Log Dog, will be in the water very soon. Remember, this is your boat too, feel free to use any time you need. If you have a dirty job to do and don’t want to get your nice pontoon dirty, help yourself, the keys are in the ignition.
  • Club drawing was for $80.00, Rich and Angie Leiss’ name was pulled, paid, not present. Next drawing $90.00.

2019 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year)

  (Thank You if you have paid your dues)

Respectfully submitted, for the last time, by Amy Ruane, Secretary 

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