March 2018 Minutes

Mar 23, 2018

March 11, 2018 Minutes

The quarterly meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held at the Sportsman’s Club.  President, Brad Fisher, brought the meeting to order. Vice President, Jason Plattner, read the Treasurer’s report; current balance of $5,157.55.  We had a good turnout, approximately 36 members present.

The next meeting will be Sunday, April 8th, 2:00 at Duckfoot’s.  Ditch Cleanup starts at noon at Sportsman’s Club (free beverage to all that participate).

  • Lake Cleanup is April 21st this year. We meet at 7AM at Rustic for breakfast and planning, then are out on the water by 8AM. Email us if you know of logs in the water that need removed, so we can plan for our day.
  • Dave Faler attended and gave the ODNR report. He thanked us for all our hard work, it is noticed and greatly appreciated! Lake level is 2” above the notch. Windy Pointe restrooms were redone and 75 new picnic tables were made. Please let us/Dave know if you know of any church groups, boy/girl scouts, etc that would like to get involved in Lake Cleanup. Dave explained how all his staff has now undergone emergency training. They are now in need of rescue breathing facemasks, used to perform CPR. The request is for 20 masks at $5 each. Scott Hamilton moved to donate, Steve Welch 2nd, Nick Mantia 3rd and it was unanimously passed. If you have questions for Park Manager Dave Faler, please contact the park office. If it is an emergency, you can contact the GLRC, we have Dave’s cellphone number.
  • Dave Meyer gave an update on the tributary signs for the feeder streams. Brian Miller is getting the signs from ODNR.
  • June 9th is the GLRC Bicycle Poker Run! Last year we had 471 riders, our goal this year is 500. There was open discussion on ideas for this year, here are some of the highlights: have premade Club shirts available for sale, get updated banners/fliers, contact the New Bremen Bicycle museum to see if they want involved, have a member table to recruit new members, we are need of items donated for the raffle (this could be anything, think of something you would be satisfied with receiving, big to small) and we discussed premade food ready for your return.  Lisa Mantia is a club member and works at Bayview. She explained that there was a bit of confusion at last year’s poker run and will facilitate this year’s Poker Run to ensure it will run smoothly. Lisa and I will be in touch several times before the event.
  • Our budget was discussed extensively and here are the results:
    • Our target balance (not to go below) will be $2,000; Amy Ruane made the motion, JR Oyer 2nd, Rick Nurrenbrock 3rd, motion passed unanimously.
    • Scott Hamilton made the motion to make $3,000 of our current balance for donations. (Donation recipients will all be voted on by the Club). Nick Mantia 2nd, Angie Liess 3rd, motion passed unanimously.
  • One great cause to donate to is a sonar device. These are used to help locate things in the water. Most importantly, these can be used to help locate people that have fallen in the water. When Grand Lake St. Marys needs one, they may have to wait hours until we can get one from a neighboring lake. The cost is $1,500, we will revisit this as a donation/purchase soon.
  • Renee Welch gave the member update and here are some numbers to reflect on:
    • 2015: total of 58 families paid for the year
    • 2016: total of 78 families paid for the year
    • 2017: total of 110 families paid for the year (this is the year we started the mailings)
    • 2018: total of 86 families paid so far this year and it’s still early!
  • Brian Morris was at the meeting. Brian maintains our website for us at no cost.  The only expense we pay for is the host fee of having a website.  We briefly discussed some suggestions/Improvements.  Brian has already implemented these and continues to upon request. Thank you as always Brian!  Please visit our website and let me know your suggestions. (link at bottom of minutes)
    • We would like to get a nice group picture of all of us for the website. Please come and wear your GLRC gear if you got it.
  • Dave Meyer informed us of the Snow Bird meeting at Behms, this is a welcome back meeting for residents. Owner, Chris Grimm asked Dave to come and represent the GLRC. Thank you Dave for getting out and spreading the word.
  • The GLRC’s annual Hog and Corn Roast were discussed. The turnout on these events has been very low and we are trying to think of something that would suit our Club better. There were suggestions including: having at Eagles or Moose, Eastbank Shelter house (Dave Faler offered to donate the $40 alcohol permit), and members volunteered their homes on the water. We will revisit this very soon, we can incorporate the corn and hog roast and bring in other fun events to make this a great time to be repeated for years.
  • Club drawing was for $30.00, Ken and Sabrina Mescher’s number was pulled; not paid, not present. Next drawing will be for $40.00.
  • As always, please email me with any ideas, questions or comments.

2018 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year)

  (Thank You if you have paid your dues)

Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary

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