June 14, 2015 Minutes
The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held at the Moose. President, Brad Fisher
brought the meeting to order. Treasurer, Tom Scheib read the Treasurer’s Report.
The next meeting will be Sunday, July 12th, 2:00 at Celina Eagles.
Even with a reschedule, due to rainy conditions, the GLRC Bicycle Poker Run went well!
We had 190 entries and profited $991.54 to use for safety on the lake!
When we were out and about on the Poker Run, we got some good feedback;
people asked that we pick a date and a rain date as well. For next year it is:
GLRC Bicycle Poker Run: May 21st 2016
Bruce Miller $50.00 prize donated back, thanks Bruce!!!
All the bars on the lake are loving what we are doing and were thinking about
having themes next year; best dressed, etc. They would like to have a meeting
with us before, to make sure they are not doing the same theme.
Rich McNaughten, from Bike Hub in Celina, made enough to cover the two bikes
he raffled away and would like to do again next year. He donated his time and
services to a handful of bikers. Thanks Rick! Also, thanks to Kevin and Crista
Fannin for setting all that up with the Bike Hub!
The Club has roughly $5,000.00 in the bank that we would like to use for a good cause.
Please think of ideas to promote safety and fun on the lake.
August 29th is the GLRC golf outing, mark your calendars!
The Club drawing was for $60.00. Jason Schmehl was drawn; paid, not present. Next
Please remember to pay your dues and recruit new members. It is such a small price to
2015 Dues are now due ($20.00 a family for the year)
(Thank You if you have paid your dues)
Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary