July 2024 Minutes

Aug 05, 2024

Monthly Meeting of the Grand Lake Rec Club was called to order by President, Brad Fisher at Lakeside Hideout, with approximately 27 members present. 

Our reserved meeting spot was on the outside patio. Right before we were to bring the meeting to order, a strong thunderstorm blew in and we had to relocate inside. Due to space, our meeting was very brief. Just a few updates. 

News/ Information

  • The Bicycle Poker Run brought in ~$7K
  • $2,500 was donated to the Bike Path
  • We need to fix the boat wench, please let us know if you can help
  • The Oil Derrick light is broken, the to was knocked off. Looking into fixing it
  • August 4th is the Fish Frenzy at Shelter house #3 on East bank. Starts at noon. Fish is free.  Bring a dish, chair, cooler, etc 

Club Drawing

  • Eric Doench paid, present. Drawing was for $160. Eric donated $100 back to the drawing
  • Next Club drawing is for $120.00
Next meeting is @ 2PM, August 18th at Behm’s 
   2024 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year) 

  (Thank You if you for paying your dues)

Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary.  

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Monthly Meeting of the Grand Lake Rec Club was called to order by President, Brad Fisher at Behm’s, with approximately 27 members present. Vice President, Keith Seitz read the July […]

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