The monthly (social) Meeting of the Grand Lake Rec Club was called to order by Vice President, Keith Seitz at Buoys Bar & Grill, with approximately 27 members present. Vice President, Keith Seitz read the December minutes, and Treasurer, Kim Swick read the Treasurer’s report: balance $21,172.53.
News/ Information (limited, as it was a social meeting):
- Open discussions and update with Keith on the Log Dog
- Membership drive will begin soon, mailings, etc
- Feb 15th is the LIA Icebreaker:
- $50 each, Corporate Table $500/10. Each get 4 drink tickets, party favors and LIA membership
- So far we have 23 GLRC members that would like to get a group table at the LIA Icebreaker. If you didn’t let me know at the January meeting, or by text after, please send an email with how many people will be attending
Next Club drawing is for $120.00
Next meeting: February 16th (third Sunday this month, due to Superbowl): 2:00 meeting at Meeting)
2025 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year)
Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary.