The monthly meeting of the Grand Lake Rec Club was called to order by President, Brad Fisher at Southshore Sportsman’s Club, with approximately 27 members present. Vice President, Keith Seitz read the January minutes. Treasurer’s report: balance $21,352.71
News/ Information:
- Membership drive (stuffing envelope party at Brad’s) in March
- Buoys: need to get the lettering and new stickers put on the buoys in March
- It would be helpful to do these on the same day, please let us know your availability
- LIA Icebreaker went well. 26 GLRC members attended
- Westbank Project/ADA fishing dock/Playground:
- Funds for playground donated by LIA. Vantilburg’s will install.
- Tristar offered to put up/do labor for shelter house for free.
- GLRC to donate concreate for walkway, to connect everything
- Dave Now and Dan Stant are working on fixing the new light for the oil derrick
- Log Dog needs: New aluminum structure, snap on clear vinyl sides, new top, new helm, wench, and seating for 5-6 people.
- GLRC’s 4th of July Celebration at Boater’s Beach falls on the 4th this year. Let us know if you can think of something new we can do this year
- Lakeshore Marina will be hosting bands at Boater’s Beach this year again:
- June 28th: Andi Joe Tayler
- August 16th: Greg Klink
- Barstool Open is August 9th
- Beach cleanups soon
- The GLRC Poker Run will be here before we know it. Please start thinking of ideas on how to improve.
- Safety Island Dock was pulled into Windy Point, we will bring back out this Spring
Club Drawing was for $120.00: #137 Dave and Teresa Smith, paid, not present
Next Club drawing is for $140.00