February 2013 Minutes

Feb 10, 2013

February 10, 2013 Minutes

The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held at the South Shore Sportsman’s Club.  Vice President, Brad Fisher brought the meeting to order.  Additionally, Vice President, Brad Fisher gave the Treasurer’s Report.  The next meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. on March 10th at Duckfoot Bar & Grill (5445 Behm Road, Celina, Ohio 45822).

  • Our club continues to grow, with 80 current families (60 paid), including 18 new families! Welcome to our new members!
  • The new club email is grandlakerec@gmail.com please feel free to send an email with any comments or suggestions. Also, with the help of Jon Lee, our new website is underway and we hope to have up and running in the next few weeks.  Additionally we plan on linking the website and Facebook page for easy access.
  • The new traveling meetings seem to be going well. This is a way to get out and support our local establishments, while having a new fun environment for our monthly meeting.  The first traveling meeting was January 13th at Rustic Haven, attended by approximately 20 people.  Rustic’s owner, Joanne, donated a large pizza which was won by Jeff Snellenberger in a club raffle.  Jeff promptly ordered and shared the pizza with the group, thanks Jeff!
  • Brain Miller was present and gave several Park updates:
    • the Park is very grateful for Grand Lake Recreation Club’s donation of the AED.
    • the lake level is now 3 1/2 inches above normal and they have begun letting water out. In the middle of March, they will stop letting water out and plan to maintain the water level at the “notch” or normal.
    • 95% of the trees cut down at the State Park were Ash trees. The firewood was free to the public and went quickly.  Now is a great time to plant a tree in memory of a loved one.  You can pick the tree and the spot.  Please contact the Park for more details (419-394-3611).
    • Mary’s new dog park is opening in the Spring.
    • April 20th is lake clean-up. Brian emphasized what a great help the club has always been and if another day works better for us to let him know.
    • Alum is not expected to be used this year. Focusing more on being preventative by increasing dredging and minimizing run-off.  Last year 280,000 cubic yards were dredged, they are looking to increase that this year.
    • Spring stump removal will happen again this year, but it is dependent on the weather, they are looking at April at the latest.
    • If you see a Franklin Co Trustee, please thank them for maintaining the bike trail. This is a beautiful trail that we use for our bike poker runs.
  • Club member, Joe Frilling, firefighter with the St. Marys Township Fire Department, will be participating in the Scott Firefighter Stairclimb in Seattle on March 10th. In this event, Joe will race up 69 flights of stairs in full fireman’s gear in honor of his late cousin, Luke Moran and Grandmother, Mary Triplett.  Please make a donation for this great cause;  flier attached, go to com/joefrilling or call Joe (419-953-6298) or Brad (937-361-9540).
  • Upcoming events:
  • Bowling; 7:00 p.m. March 3rd Varsity Lanes in St. Marys
  • March meeting; 2:00 p.m. March 10th @ Duckfoot in Celina
  • April meeting; 2:00 p.m. April 14th @ Sportsman’s Club (election of officers)
  • 50/50 won by Charlie Swartz $62.00 Club Drawing: Tom Gottschall (NP)
  • Food was served by Brad Fisher and Joe Frilling (with some help from a few other club members).
  • Jason Plattner & Amanda Poling/Deny Liette & Michelle Buehler will supply the food for the next meeting in April.
  • The meeting was adjourned by a motion by Jason Plattner and 2nd by Jeff Snellenberger.

2013 Dues are now due   (Thank You if you have paid your dues)

Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary

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