Test Event 1
This is a test event
This is a test event
This picture was taken second week of April 2014.(Below)Crews from Lake Loramie and Indian Lake Bring Their Equipment And Manpower To Join Forces With GLSM To Pull Up a Piece Of History. This is a picture of last remaining Oil Derrick site on Grand lake St Marys taken on 4-17-14 after […]
The Grand Lake Rec Club cleans the dithces of 219 between Club Island road and Karafit Rd.
Official voting meeting at Big Bamboo's Dockside Grill (formerly Carta Villa). We will be voting on some important issues, so please try to attend.
The Grand Lake Rec Club will be marking stumps for the ODNR as soon as oil derrik rock has been pulled up. Please contact GLRC if interesed in helping.
In celebration of “Earth Day” Grand Lake St. Marys State Park in conjunction with the Lake Improvement Association, Grand Lake Rec Club and the Grand Lake - Wabash Watershed Alliance will be hosting the Annual Lake Cleanup Day, Saturday Apr...il 26 from 9 until Noon. Once again the boating community is challenged with inaccessible shoreline […]