Grand Lake Recreation Club will be distributing water to the Runners in the 2nd annual Grand Lake Marathon at Brad and Alisha's house (01961 St. Rt. 219) on Saturday, September 26th beginning at 8:00 am. Please come out and support the runners, handing out water and cheering them on. After the run, there will be […]
Ditch cleanup at noon starting at Sportsman's club followed by 2p meeting at Sunnyside
Grand Lake Recreation Club Christmas Party! *Gift Raffle (great presents, including a $100.00 bill!) *$110.00 Club drawing, must give! *Delicious meal will be provided (bring covered dish please) **kids welcome, Santa might make an appearance! ** December 13th starting at 2:00, Sportsman's Club in Montezuma (please rsvp to
Meeting at 2pm at Shocker's