Ditch Cleanup & Meeting

It's It

Ditch cleanup at noon (meet at Sportsman's). 2 p.m. meeting at It's It. 

CANCELLED – Christmas Party & Quarterly Meeting

Sportsman's Club

Officers and Trustees voted yesterday and decided it was the responsible and safe thing to cancel our Christmas Party this year (due to covid, of course). After all, safety is what we stand for! :) We wish you all a safe, healthy and happy Holiday season! Merry Christmas and bring on 2021!!

Cancelled: Meeting at Duckfoot’s

We are going to cancel this month's meeting. While it seems that everything is starting to go in the right direction, we are still not there yet. We do feel hopeful to have the Quarterly meeting, March 14th at Beach Point. In the meantime, please get out there and support your local businesses!