August 2024 Minutes

Aug 27, 2024

Monthly Meeting of the Grand Lake Rec Club was called to order by President, Brad Fisher at Behm’s, with approximately 27 members present. Vice President, Keith Seitz read the July minutes, and Treasurer, Kim Swick read the Treasurer’s report:
Club balance: $19,946.83
Mobley Foundation: $9,766.92

News/ Information

  • The Bicycle Poker Run brought in $7,478.72
  • Dave Meyer has been ordering the Bicycle Poker Run signs for us for years. He is looking for someone to help/take over. Please let us know if you are interested.
  • The Grand Lake Recreation Club and The Lake Improvement Association each donated $2,500.00 to the Franklin Township Bicycle Trail.
    • Here is how the money was spent. From the east end of the Bicycle Trail
      starting at the entrance on 219 North/South to the parking lot on 219
      East/West across the road from Doss Landing, the Bicycle Trail with all it’s
      tree roots and other obstacles was ground down along with existing
      pavement. The weeds and grass were cut back along the edges of the
      pavement. The trail was cleaned, and the existing pavement was tack
      coated and replaced with
      1 ½ inch new blacktop and compacted throughout the area. The total bill
      was $30,560.00. Your money was used to assist in this project.
  • Mike Metz is looking for volunteers to take residents of Otterbein on boat rides. September 19th there is an Olympics at the Otterbein, in which they expect around 700 people, Otterbein is renting two pontoons that day. The event is from 10AM-3PM.  The volunteers so far are: Mike & Angie Metz, Della and Duwane St Johns, and Bruce Miller. Shifts will be in 1-2 hour increments, please let us know if you can help.
  • We need to fix the boat wench, please let us know if you can help
  • The Oil Derrick light was knocked off. New one just came in, looking to get it put back up soon.
  • The dock for Safety Island was brought out. We need to get a crew out there to readjust it at Safety Island.
  • We are looking to get another shirt order out with Alberts. We will email when the link is live.
  • We installed an additional red flashing light at the south end of Boardwalk pier. They are also looking to get a buoy, and will make a donation to GLRC
  • People are hitting the pier in front of Bella’s. The City and State are debating on how to fix it.
  • Mike Powell’s first annual Fish Fest at the Shelter house went well. They are looking at making a few changes for next year. They cooked up over 225 pounds of fish. All donations were given to the GLRC, totaling $1,148.Thanks to all GLRC members that came out to help.
  • An eagle carving was auctioned off at the Mercer County fair for $5,000. $2,500 was donated to GLRC.
  • LIA’s fishing derby for special needs children is Wednesday, September 11th at East Bank shelter house #1, setup starts at 8AM and the event is over by 2:30PM. They expect around 600 kids. Please come out and help feed the kids lunch, bait hooks, take off fish, untangle lines, etc.  This is a really great event that the kids look forward to every year!
  • Trever Mobley Foundation: 6 new buoys are in process. The 4th annual Trevor Mobley Benefit is September 7th. The day starts off with putt-putt at Pla-Mor Lanes in Coldwater from 9-11AM. Followed by auction and entertainment at Celina Moose from 1-5PM. 
  • We want to get our projects for next year in order by Oct/Nov, so we can start the planning process. No idea is too small. Please let us know your thoughts on how to keep the lake and community safe. Feel free to email me, and I can get a list together.
  • Remember the GLRC’s Log Dog is your boat too. If you have a project you need to do and don’t want to get your personal boat dirty, use ours, it’s yours too!

Club Drawing was for $120.00

  • Brian Carruthers paid, not present. 
  • Next Club drawing is for $140.00
Next meeting is @ 2PM, September 8th at Celina Eagle’s 
   2024 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year) 

Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary.  

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