The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held at Duckfoot’s. President, Brad Fisher, brought the meeting to order and read the Treasurer’s Report. Approximately 25 members present.
The next meeting will be Sunday, September 11th, 2:00 at Bayview
- There were 140 boats that participated in the LIA’s Barstool open, thank you to all who came out and volunteered your time.
- Dave Faler, Park Manager, gave us an update:
- lake level is -12.21 below the notche
- In comparison:
- Jan – July 2015 there was 37″ rain
- Jan – July 2016 there was 14′ rain
- with the right conditions (heat, sun, 40% humidity, 10 mph wind) the lake can lose an inch a day
- Indian Lake and Lake Loramie are both at least 6″ down
- Visitors are still up at the park and the Splashpad had been a great success!
- fun fact: Grand Lake St. Marys is the only lake in Ohio to allow sea planes to land. Once on land, they can taxi up to the shore to get fuel, dinner and have fun.
- The GLRC Golf Outing was cancelled due to participants and sponsors being down. Going forward, we are going to focus our efforts on the Bicycle Poker Run. New goal is to have less events with more emphasis to be more successful.
- June 10th 2017 is next year’s Bicycle Poker Run.
- There was talk about an upcoming Ohio State Party/Chili Cook
- Club Drawing was for $80.00, Eric (Floyd) Winner’s name was drawn; paid AND present! Next drawing it for $10.00!
2016 Dues are now due ($20.00 per family for the year)
(Thank You if you have paid your dues)
Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary