August 11th, 2013 minutes
The meeting of the Grand Lake Recreation Club was held Sunday, August 11th at Beach Point. President, Brad Fisher brought the meeting to order. Treasurer, Tom Scheib, gave the Treasurer’s Report. President, Brad Fisher, read the minutes from the meeting held July 14th; minutes were approved as read. Approximately 20 members present.
The next meeting will be held Sunday at 2:00 p.m. on September 8th at Shockers.
- Club Drawing for $40.00 was won by Ron and Shirley Fisher
- next club drawing will be $10.00!
- 50/50 drawing for $35.00 won by Betty Eilerman
- Five people helped with the trash pickup before the Beach Point meeting. We have noticed a decrease in the amount of trash collected, thanks to our increased collections. Thank you to all who helped!
- The Barstool open on August 10th was a great time; LIA did a nice job of putting this together. Thanks to Jason Plattner and Brad Fisher for working the Rec Club’s time slot at Rustic. While working, they also managed to sell $400 in Gun Raffle tickets!
- Reminder: August 24th is the Corn Roast at Bass Landing Shelter House. Ed Waldman will start cooking at 11:00 AM, dinner will be served at 5:00 PM. Bring your family and friends (non-members welcome!) and a covered dish (BYOB).
- Reminder: October 13th is the Grand Lake Rec Club Gun Raffle, tickets need turned in by this day. The drawing will be held at 3:00 PM at the South Shore Sportsman’s Club. Contact Brad Fisher, Tom Gottschall or simply reply to this email if you need tickets. Remember, all proceeds go to the lake, your help is appreciated!
- Look for the upcoming press release in The Evening Leader for the Club’s donation of safety lights, coming soon. Our recent donation of 17 lights on Prairie Creek/Sunnyside Spoil Sight are now up. Be sure to let us know if you see any that are not working, and we will let Brian Miller know. Also, keep thinking of ideas for safety improvements we can work as a club to implement.
- Light on the end of Behm’s suggested. Brad will talk to Brian about this potential need.
- The Grand Lake Rec Club’s golf Outing is September 14th. Fliers will be getting posted this week.
- we are looking to have 25-30 teams.
- $45 a person if you sign up early
- 1:00 shotgun start at Northmoor.
- if you know of anyone that would like to be a sponsor, it is $50 a hole, 3 x 5 ft sign.
- Golfing not your thing? Not a problem. Brian Morris of the LIA is heading up a flag football tournament at KC Geiger Park to benefit the lake that day if you are interested.
2013 Dues are due and are currently half-priced!
(Thank You if you have paid your dues)
Respectfully submitted by Amy Ruane, Secretary